Welcome to the Climate Chronicles Weblog. This is the place for a frank and urgent discussion of global warming. We are fiercely independent, having no allegiance to corporate economics, mainstream environmentalists, or any brand of politics or religion. We'll call the shots as we see them, challenging obstacles to sustainable life on earth no matter who raises them, and honoring all who move us towards a peaceful, livable planet.

We plan to publish every week or so. To receive a brief e-mail notice of new posts, please click to subscribe HERE.

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Thanks, Mr. Clinton, but It’s Not the Economy!


Alas, We Can’t Go On Living This Way

The end is inevitable: our glut of cars, our thriftless air travel, our food shipped thousands of miles, our single-family houses and strip malls, our endless electronic gadgets, our toxic lawns, our monocropped farms. Exporting damage to our own impoverished communities and to third-world countries, whether it’s in the form of pollution, resource depletion or the chronically unconscionable exploitation of human beings (1), is over.


Death, destruction and the end of civilization seem pretty inconvenient to me . . .

Thanks in no small part to the spectacular success of “An Inconvenient Truth” – which was built on years of foundational work by thousands of researchers, investigators and journalists, as well as Gore’s own study and writings over the years – the American public is rapidly awakening to the irrefutable existence of the climate crisis. That’s the good news.

Here’s the bad news:


If all we’re after is 80% by 2050, it’s hardly worth the effort . . .

Everybody who’s anybody is coming up with ideas for turning down our earthly thermostat. From Al Gore who’s nudging us towards climate reality (1), to the aptly-named Nicholas Stern who has direly warned how many coins it will cost to continue cooking our Earth (2), to the business-sponsored website U.S. Climate Action Partnership for whom money speaks the truth (3), to some of the stars of the environmental movement such as pioneer Bill McKibben (for whom I have the greatest respect) (4), and many, many more – all of these voices are telling us that we have to cut back on our carbon emissions, “dramatically.”


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How to Post. Comments on the blog postings are welcome, from praise and hallelujahs to disagreements and controversy - just register and log in at the top right of the this page. Then click on the title of the post you'd like to respond to and at the bottom of the post there's a comment box. Please keep comments brief and on point, and avoid anything resembling personal attacks on other users. If you'd like to write a guest blog entry, please drop us a line.

Also, kindly note:
This is not the place to discuss whether global warming exists, or whether it's a result of human activity in the industrial age. The scientific verdict is in and it's rock solid, a result of over twenty years of intensive research by thousands of climate scientists worldwide. If you want to argue about that, please argue somewhere else.

Our driving purpose here is to figure out what to do about a climate that's already spiraling out of control, how to address the obstacles to salvaging our badly damaged environment, and to get to work.

Thanks for visiting and participating!

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